Monday, June 18, 2007

10 Things you may not have known about me...

  1. I have 2 top teeth coming in.
  2. My mama bought me glow-in-the-dark pj's
  3. I can say; cat, hot, more, moo, night night, banana, Dada, mama, and woof.
  4. I like to lay on pillows.
  5. I know were my head, nose, teeth and toes are.
  6. I can take 8 consecutive (running) steps without help!
  7. My hair gets really curly in the heat and humidity.
  8. I love to eat.
  9. I dance whenever I hear music.
  10. My mama and Dada are taking me camping this summer!!!
I am a busy little bee in my glow-in-the-dark PJ's.

It has been a while.....


Sorry, sorry, sorry...between the camera running out of batteries and the nice weather, we have not been blogging much. Leo has been busy helping me plant TONS of plants. It looks like he has you green thumb Nana!

Well these are two new things that Leo loves. The first is a table that is just his size from Nikki. Thanks a ton, he loves zooming his cars down the length of it.
Note to all those worry warts out there (me included :) He is only on the table for the photo op!

Number 2 is a garage sale find...It is wooded cube with lots to do on each side.